I am a coffee aficionado and passionate amateur barista. Here are some of my (extremely biased and probably unnecessary) opinions about coffee.
Some of my favorite roasters:
Pretty packaging, fantastic beans, good roasts. I have particularly enjoyed their seasonal blends.
Madcap is based in Grand Rapids, MI, about 45 minutes away from where I grew up. It was one of my first introductions to really excellent coffee, so it has a soft spot in my heart.
Chicago-based Intelligentsia is a staple of one of my favorite local cafes. They’ve also partnered with Imperfect Foods to release a whole bean blend that is a staple in my apartment.
Math. Coffee. What’s not to love?
I found Tweed Coffee during my summer in Austin, TX, and quickly fell in love.
The Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Company
My roommate loves decaf coffee – their House Decaf was a hit!
I am a passionate Chemex user – I love the application of chemistry, the form, and the minimal bitterness. However, my bitter-coffee-loving roommate ensures I have other methods on hand – my setup also includes a conventional pourover cone and an espresso machine for lattes, mochas, cappucinos, and Americanos.